Pre-Kindergarten to Elementary
A caring learning environment for your child
Columbus Private School is a successful, happy, and welcoming school. Our classes are small, so each child can be treated as individuals with their own abilities and learning styles.
Our school is positioned in a wonderful setting where students have access to playing fields and a playground. Staff consider outdoor and active learning to be beneficial to students' physical, academic, and mental wellbeing.
We provide a wide range of exciting learning experiences within our carefully planned and broad curriculum. Alongside the core academic subjects, students have regular lessons by specialist teachers in French, Music, Art, and Drama.
We are an inclusive school, where everyone has a valuable contribution to make to our school community.
Columbus Private School is your child’s school if they:
Need to be challenged or have special talents that should be nurtured.
Thrive academically with one-on-one instruction.
Enjoy learning with a hands on approach.
Like to make choices.
Thrive in a small group setting.
Have not reached his or her potential in the public school system.
Need more self-confidence.
Experience stress or anxiety in the regular classroom.